How to Choose Swimwear That Lasts

As summertime rolls around the corner and the Minnesota lakes beckon us with their clear blue waters, there’s no denying the rush of excitement we all feel to plunge into the cooling depths of our favorite swimming spots. While Minnesota’s selection of lakes offers an impeccable range of aquatic activities, from quiet, peaceable kayaking to adrenaline-surged water skiing, one common thread unites them all: the crucial need for quality swimwear.

Choosing swimwear might seem like a simple task; anything that fits and looks decent on you should suffice, right? Unfortunately, that is a common misconception. The quality and durability of your swimwear can have a significant impact on your overall swimming experience. Not only are they designed for comfort, but they also play a pivotal role in maintaining hygiene and safety while swimming.

Diving into some all-important considerations that should guide your swimwear purchases, this article ensivages an invaluable swimwear buying guide that ensures your outfit lasts longer, providing more value for your money and a much more comfortable swimming experience.

**Understand the Fabric**

Understanding the material of your swimwear is the first and most critical step in determining its durability. The two most common materials used in swimwear are nylon and polyester. While nylon is soft and lightweight, making it comfortable for extended wear, it’s not as durable as polyester. Polyester, on the other hand, is tough, resistant to chlorine and UV rays, and lasts much longer than nylon.

For instance, swimwear from popular brands like Speedo’s Endurance+ line is 100% polyester, promising to last 20 times longer than regular swimwear while retaining its shape.

Swimwear with Xtra Life Lycra, like Zoggs, is another good option. This blend combines the comfort of nylon with the durability of polyester, making it resistant to bagging, sagging, and the effects of pool chemicals.

**Look for Chlorine Resistance**

Chlorine is commonly used in pools to kill bacteria and algae. Although it makes the water safe for swimming, it can be damaging to your swimwear. Over time, chlorine can cause the colors of your swimwear to fade and the fabric to become brittle.

This is where chlorine-resistant swimwear comes in handy. Consult with the salesperson or check the product tag for information regarding chlorine resistance. Also, brands like TYR and Maru are renowned for producing reliable chlorine-resistant swimwear.

**Prioritize the Right Fit**

A swimsuit that fits correctly not only enhances your freedom and comfort in water but also maintains its shape for longer periods. Too tight, and it stresses the material, causing it to breakdown earlier. Too loose, and it’s prone to sagging, which compromises its longevity and, of course, your swimming experience.

When trying on swimwear, remember to do a fitting test. Move, stretch, bend as you’d do when you’re swimming. Your suit should remain snug and comfortable not looking like it’s going to tear or sag, allowing you optimum freedom for stroke and maneuver.

**Pay Attention to Care Instructions**

Proper care of your swimsuit is just as important as the initial purchase. It’s key to long-lasting swimwear. Rinse your swimwear after each use, even if you didn’t swim. Sweat, oils, salts, or sunscreen lotion can also degrade fabric.

Wash it in cold water using a gentle detergent that’s designed for swimwear like Summer Solutions or Penguin Sport Wash. Avoid dry cleaning, ironing, or bleaching your swimwear, as harsh chemicals can damage it.

Finally, allow your swimwear to air dry in a shaded place away from direct sunlight. Direct sun exposure can cause your swimwear to fade and lose elasticity.

In conclusion, choosing your swimwear isn’t just about the visual appeal; it also involves considering factors like fabric type, chlorine resistance, proper fitting, and adhering to care instructions. Following through with these considerations may not only amplify your lake-side or aquatic experiences but also save you the stress and cost of recurring swimwear purchases.

Enjoy your swimming adventures in Minnesota’s pristine lakes, buoyed by the confidence of having chosen the right swimwear that not only fits your body and style but also promises to endure the rigors of your activewear’s demanding life cycle. Plus, remember by taking good care of your swimwear, you’re doing your part in reducing textile waste, providing for a healthier planet. Happy swimming!

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